Monday, December 23, 2013

What the Duck is Really About

Hello world, here's exhibit #1 of what's happening in American culture. Ok, it's not always real, even though Reality TV is packaged that way.

Now if you haven't read about what the hoopla is all about. I'll just summarize it briefly and you can read the articles and decide for yourself if it's even a big deal to you.

Phil Robertson one of the stars of the Duck Dynasty show did an interview with GQ magazine, and made his beliefs known about how he feels about gays. The basis of his beliefs are based on his Christian beliefs.   In a nutshell:   Robertson called same-sex sexual activities "shameful" and "perversions." He also implied that homosexuality was a result of people who "suppress the truth about God," therefore, causing God's wrath.

Duck Dynasty Firestorm

Now Phil didn't make these remarks during the show, again it was an interview.Anyways, he got suspended by his producers for what he said. This has been happening in other industries, The UFC I recall took action when one of their fighters made a not so politically correct tweet about gays.

To me personally this is bullshit      Many American's are shaking their heads, not just myself. There is clearly a bias in media, particularly in political news and Hollywood that want to suppress all things contrary to religious belief. Freedom of speech to them should not include religious beliefs.  So what is this?? Separation of Freedom of speech and Religion?

Any Christian will tell you that homosexuality is sinful, it goes against Gods law. No matter how media and progressive minds want to twist it, that's how it was, is, and always will be. Now Phils only mistake may be that he's made a judgement on gays, that I may agree is a no-no, As a follower of Christ that's not something we should do.

The action taken against him though is wrong. If he said it out of ignorance and his intention was just out of pure hate, and malice, that may be different  However, If he and other believers say they don't believe homosexuality is moral, not only is the establishment wrong in taking action against him, they're hypocritical to not allowing contrary beliefs.  Free speech  doesn't mean endorsement of one belief.
I've read Cracker Barrel pulled Duck Dynasty merchandise off their shelves, only to change their mind when so many customers complained they didn't agree with how Phil was treated.

We've been conditioned through media to understand the term 'homophobic'. Perhaps someone can give me the equivalent for those who bash Christians who follow their beliefs. You see, this isn't about a TV celebrity who's making a controversial remark, far from it. This is about not being able to express what you believe honestly in public without repercussions from it.

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