Monday, December 23, 2013

American Civil Liberties Under Assault

Why another Blog?  Simple, for years and years, Americans have been silenced. The assault on American Civil Liberties has reached feverish pitches under both the Bush and Obama regime.
 We've been forced to ingest carcinogenic propaganda from media sources that clearly have a biased agenda.  This agenda rarely if ever is backed by moral reasoning.  It's oppressive, and insulting to free thinking Americans.

The result has been a spread of this one sided biased ideology that has destroyed this once noble and respected nation.  No longer are we the envy of the world.  No longer are we looked at as the light of freedom and liberty.  Even opportunity is following the same path of decline.

The only optimism I've had to counter much of the disillusionment I've felt the past few years, is I know there are many who share how I feel. Not just Americans who live in the US, but righteous people of all nations who give a shit about what's happening in the world, and who don't look down on those who have no material wealth, or influence.  Much of what I'll state will ruffle some feathers, It's very controversial because of in this climate of political correctness, you've got to watch what you say to so many who are thin skinned.

I say the hell with that, that's not what real free speech is all about. Now I'm not saying incite hate, divide and promote ignorance. I believe if what you say has elements of Truth, it's going to hurt some people, but better to be truthful, if the intention is for the overall good.

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