Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Iraq Revisited - The Error That Was and Is a Mistake

More War Mongering, same misinformation, different politician
What did we learn from the Iraq war?  Perhaps you would say "nothing"  if you take a look at what's happening in the Middle East today, approaching the end of 2013

We actually have learned something though.   We've learned a great deal, because unlike that preemptive war we engaged in nearly 10 years ago, we do have first hand experience today of what can happen when a war doesn't quite go according to plan.  Back then,  events were unfolding so quickly and our emotions were so stirred up from the 9/11 attacks, the days were just too  fast and furious.  There's no way this generation of Americans could have known what was in stored after the invasion. WE could only look back at Desert Storm, but even  that may have been slightly different because we did not suffer the same amount of casualties.   Now the previous generation  of Americans immediately recalled the Vietnam war.  I think it's definitely a legitimate comparison.  Not entirely , but certainly in part. 

Here are a few things we've learned:

  • There are no easy wars. I remember during the Iraq invasion listening to Rush Limbaugh and when the US forces entered Baghdad and there was no resistance whatsoever, Rush started gloating like a fat Cheshire cat declaring victory was at hand. After that bold prediction, he confirmed to me what  everyone has known all along.  He's a complete idiot.  He was wrong in a massively clueless way.   War is a minimum 10 year investment, that includes both conflict, occupation and reconstruction.  Most of the cost funded courtesy of the American taxpayers. 
  • True Democracy in the Middle East is an experiment.  It may work, and elements of democracy may actually result from our actions, but there are no guarantees, especially if democracy is created by a war. Democracy you say in once totalitarian regimes?? I wish you much luck. 
  • The government will resort to extreme measures to persuade the American  people that its objectives are justified. Bare in mind, this justification does not take into account moral justification or moral authority of our government.  These actions put both American military lives at risk, as well as our credibility with our alliance and people of the region. That's a nice way of saying our US Government will either lie, or ignore facts, regardless or which party is calling the shots.. The weapons of mass destruction that were never found, or the links Saddam Hussein had with Al-Quada are the best examples

So why does any of this matter today?  Saddam is 6ft under, Iraq is under American control, Gadaffi got a missile dropped on his head by a drone, American influence is spreading in the Middle East right?
WRONG!   We've got serious credibility issues now, both at home and abroad. As the great John F. Kennedy said:    “An error doesn't become a mistake until you refuse to correct it.”

And I'll add: --> If in your defiance of refusing to correct it, you repeat it
History will prove that Iraq was a disaster. We paid billions and billions of dollars and sacrificed soldiers lives for nothing. That nation is still one of the most dangerous on the planet.  What should anger American's even more, is not just the relentless war mongering our government is continuing to engage in with Israel, but the means it will go to fan the flames of creating a new war. 

Whether it's proclaim the Syrian government was responsible for chemical attacks against civilians, which seems to be the same lie as the WMD's in Iraq, or other  outrageous endevours like supporting Al-Quaeda who are fighting with Syrian government forces.  The US Government has made very hasty decisions and miscalculations that are not helping end this Syrian conflict. 

It never ceases to amaze me how in almost every situation where we have to choose a side., the US government is on the side of evil. We'll touch on Syria again because we can learn so much of how our government does business just by looking how they've handled this whole Syrian War debacle.  Till then, please stay informed, and remember.  always seek the Truth, even if it hurts. 

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