Sunday, March 9, 2014

How the Russian Revolution Spread Her Errors

Excerpt from Divini Redemptoris - Pope Pius XI 1937

There's nothing more refreshing than Truth. You have to search far and wide today to get any dose of Truth today.  For me personally the past few years, I believed that truth was entirely in logic, common sense, reason and politics.   Basically I used all these things combined to arrive and make sense of whatever issue it was I had  before me. 

The excerpt above is from Pope Pius XI encyclical Divini Redemptoris.  It's one of the most brilliant encyclicals I have ever read. Brilliant not just in its reasoning and content, but just take note of the date(1937)  Think back to how the world was back then. Then read this encyclical in the context of how forward looking the points were that  Pope Pius was emphasizing, almost warning in expectation.

What made me even want to read this letter?  It starts with investigation. To find answers, clues and to formulate  my understanding of why things are the way they are today. How did we get to this point  were there's so much confusion, so much disillusionment??  Yet, ask the average person today and no one really can put their finger on exactly  where our modern society went off the rails. Many will tout how wonderful and convenient living in the modern world is, but the very same people cannot answer why so many living in the modern society are genuinely unfulfilled, and unhappy

With all due respect to our psychology and sociologist friends, they make good arguments for why things are the way they are. I believe they are right in many ways, but I also believe they are missing a big piece of the puzzle. That piece is something only Pope Pius and many who don't  separate  spiritual and moral truths from every day life can understand.   
without the foundation of morality in your reasoning, it's very hard to hit the nail squarely on the head as Pope Pius did. What is often too common today is morality is removed from ideology, yet ideology is sometimes applied in religion and faith. Ideology really doesn't belong in faith, it doesn't serve faith as Pope Francis has recently talked about.  

Lets look at typical example though.  Many liberal, socialist, leftists  and progressives, would never concede that their beliefs could have any relation or semblance to Communism.  Communism in their minds. by its very definition is an extreme form of ideology. Now be fair to the progressive, they are no where near the extremities of Communism. However that's not the point. To remove morality from  ideology does not require the extremes. All it takes is some denial and some indifference, and morality is gone. This applies to conservatism as well.
  Often times today, someone with a political view can separate morality from their ideology and political affiliation. How many Catholic politicians out there support abortion?  Probably more than oppose it. How many conservative Catholic politicians flipped and favoured gay marriage? Morality can change with the wind if ideology is the justification for ones actions. However, if morality is based on Faith, it can not, and will not change, because your personal beliefs are removed. Your truth is not yours, it is Gods truth and you're rightly commanded to follow.

In this excerpt above, Pope Pius, from a moral and spiritual lens clearly points out what Communism espouses. This was nearly 30 years before the social revolution that changed the moral and traditional landscape in Western society, and many parts of the world, well before Communism reared it's ugly head.      Now if any world or public figure wrote about this today, it wouldn't matter a whole lot. Why?  Because all these things that the Pope wrote about have already spread globally in the West, it's already woven into the social fabric of society. What the Pope saw and warned about has already come to fruition.  Even so, society, government, politicians, sociologists, and even the religious will deny it's accurate, they will reason it's something else that caused this drastic transformation. The reason is often a political or economic reason(that's what I use to think it was, before Faith enlighten men)      Granted if that is true, doesn't Communism itself shape political and economic landscape?  

So that's what I mean about arriving at the entire truth.  Yes, it's a political and economic reason our society, our social value, our social roles have changed, especially as it applies to women and the family.  However, the moral basis of why this political and economic change happened is rooted by the spread of Communism tenets.  Tenets that ripped the morality out of our nation from the bottom up, from the most important member our our society. the Woman, the Mother. 

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1 comment:

  1. Interesting stuff. Wanted to thank you for supporting
